Preliminary Days Leading Up to the Race:
Originally, I set out to do the 250. My training was geared towards the 250 and I figured that I would take a hit on my run training in order to train for the longer swim. However, my triathlon morphed into a trip for my family (my wife and my newborn, who would be 6 months at the time of the race). At this point, I was still going to do the 250 - even though there would be family responsibilities involved. Then, my brother-in-law decided to sign up for the 125 race. His wife and 2 children and mother joined us for the trip, and then my mother and father-in-law decided to join us as well.
The logistics of having everyone coming up with us to Bend, OR and also being happy during race day was a bit much - so I decided that the best thing to do would be to drop to the 125 so that both of us (my brother-in-law and I) would finish in the same time frame which would prevent our family from waiting for hours on end or, even worse, leaving the race and missing us finish.
Due to the size of our group - we chose to rent a house and drive up to Bend rather than fly and get a hotel (as originally planned). The house we rented was about a mile away from the finish line and T2 - so location was perfect. Weather was excellent when we arrived and it looked like it was going to be a "picture perfect" triathlon.
My brother-in-law and I rode a couple of beach cruisers to packet pick up and it was a breeze. In and out, no troubles or issues at all. We were able to talk about the course and get all the answers we needed and have everything spelled out to us pretty clear. The only downside is that we had to drive all the up to Cultus Lake to drop off our bikes at T1. Now, for us, that wasn't really a downer because we were intending to drive the bike course anyway - but for some I could see how that would be cumbersome.
So, I set my bike up and headed up to Cultus Lake.
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All ready to race. |
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Lake Cultus was beautiful, even though it did not look warm at all. |
For big races, I usually am not affected by race anxiety. I find that I sleep soundly and have no real issues with losing sleep prior to a big event.
With that said, I DO have problems sleeping with a sick baby in the house. I logged only 4 (ish) hours of sleep the night before because of this, and was convinced it was going to completely derail my race. I was up at 4 am and ready to go to catch the transport bus up to Cultus Lake - and had already had a full meal in my belly from doing so.
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Oh...NOW you're tired. :) |
The bus ride up to the swim was pretty easy. It was pitch black dark on the way up and took about an hour. That left us with plenty of time to get our bikes situated and set up.
The Race:
When I originally signed up for this race - I had one goal in mind: Come home with a belt buckle. That was it. I didn't care about placing overall or in my age group - I didn't care about looking good or anything else. I wanted to come home with a belt buckle, end of story.
That's usually a bit odd for me because I've never been a big fan of finishing medals or anything like that. However, having the belt buckle meant that I would have met a challenge and overcome it. So I was excited about that.
Which is why I was delighted to know that I would still have a chance at a belt buckle. When I "downgraded" from the 250 to the 125, I figured I'd have to wait until next year (originally the 125 race did not award belt buckles). However, the guys at Lifetime announced that they would award belt buckles to anyone who finished under 5:15 for the 125 - I had a renewed sense of vigor.
The Swim:
When we arrived at the swim start, it was cold. VERY COLD. They had a few warming tents (which felt like a sauna inside compared to the outside temperature), but they were way too hot inside for my tastes. I found myself moving in and out of them, and roughly decided that the constant warming and cooling off would probably end up being a very bad thing for me in the long run - so I opted to just stay out.
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My brother-in-law and I before the start of the swim looking a lot happier than we should have been. |
When they announced my wave would be ready, I headed straight into the water to get a practice swim. Originally, I was planning on doing a quick five minutes in the water or so, and then heading to the warming tent. Well, as soon as I got in the water - I made the decision that I wasn't leaving until the swim was over. The water, even though it was in the ballpark of 60 degrees, was incredibly warm compared to the air temperature and was very comfortable. I swam out to the buoy start and just hung out (you were able to stand in the water at the start) until my wave was ready.
Now, I'm a slow swimmer. It's been my weakness forever and I've been really working hard on it. Shameless plug, but I've been following Dave Luscan at and it has done wonders for my swim. I'm no Andy Potts or anything now, but I went from swimming almost 2:40/100m (as evidenced by an almost 45 minutes Olympic swim at a triathlon in June) to doing 800 meter sets in the pool at 1:47/100m. A lot of that is just me swimming more, but a lot of it is also the drills that FindingFreestyle has taught me.
The swim went surprisingly well. The lake was absolutely gorgeous and you can see all the way to the bottom if you stop to look (I did). I was able to keep my stroke the entire time and didn't have much problems in terms of running in to people. It was basically an out and back, with buoys to follow the entire way. Total swim time: 46:42. That's slow for some, but for me - pretty good. The course was a bit short (there's no way it was a full 2500 with some of the times posted, but my guess is that it came in right around 2250 or 2300 on a straight line to the buoy and back - which I didn't swim on that straight line). I was still satisfied with my swim.
NOTE: Pictures below are the saved "samples" from the photograph company. I've purchased these photos in digital format and will be updating the blog with the nicer, higher resolution versions when I receive them.
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Obviously, SOMEONE isn't a happy camper out of the water. |
With all the talk of bad weather - I had my T1 bag completely prepared. Extra jerseys (both short and long sleeve), arm warmers, toe covers, knee warmers, wind vest, socks, helmet liner - the whole kit and kaboodle. I looked like I was ready to climb Everest - and I wasn't alone. My bag, while stock full of every piece of cycling gear you can imagine, was SMALL compared to some people's bags.
While doing my times in my head - I was preparing for a 8 to 10 minute T1 - which seems about on point with what most people ended up with while scrolling the results.
However, once I got out of the swim, the announcer said "WHOA! Looks like we have some sun peaking out a bit early out here!" I didn't see the sun (I had complete tunnel vision coming out of the water) but what I interpreted that to mean was "It's going to warm up pretty quickly and the weather is going to be nice." So I got my wetsuit off, dried myself off, threw on my gloves (I figured I could stash them inside my trisuit if it got too hot) and decided to go without any "warm extras" and see how I did. As soon as my helmet was on and my bike unracked - I realized I should probably get my toe warmers just in case. I went back to my bag - searched through it, and couldn't find them. After 60 seconds, I just gave up and put everything back in and went without them. 3:49 in T1 - which would come back to haunt me a little bit. Considering the fumbling, and the short run (~300 meters) to the transition area from the swim exit, I was pleased with the time.
The Bike:
As soon as I hopped onto the bike and started cranking, I knew something was wrong. For one - I was cold as shit. It was freezing outside and, like an idiot, I didn't bother to put anything more than gloves on. Secondly, my power was reading 110 watts - which is way too low (I was going around 25 mph at the time). Then, the power disappeared. When I passed someone, I'd get a power meter detected on my head unit, get their power, and then it would disappear when I was out of range. I attempted to get it working while riding, but to no avail. I would have to go on feel for this bike ride - which shouldn't be a huge issue, as I was more than prepared to a ride of this caliber. I kept zooming along - passing most of the people ahead of me (I was 119th overall in the swim - but was in the third wave). I cruised through the first 25 mile loop at about 25-26 mph.
Once I hit the first hill is where my problems on the bike began. At this time, my toes were completely numb and I was getting shivers from going without any added warmth. At around the 40 mile mark, there's a long steady climb and I just had nothing left outside of throwing it into the small chain ring and continually moving up. I dropped to about 6-7 mph at this point for this entire stretch of hills.
The hills were tough and I was struggling to get up them. However, I toughed it out (albeit with frozen legs) and managed to get hit the downhill section (approximately 25 miles all the way to T2) feeling halfway decent. I clocked 49.6 as my fastest speed on the downhill section (which was sketchy to say the least with my bike set up).
I came into T2 with numb feet and a somewhat frozen chest with a 3:18:51 bike (my Garmin read the course at 68.4 miles).
Some notes on my bike set up and nutrition:
I went with 95mm carbon clinchers for this race because I felt the course wasn't as hilly as anticipated and I didn't think the winds would be as bad as they said. The course was very hilly and the winds were pretty bad. If I had the chance to go back and do it again - I would have replaced my front with a 40mm front that I have. I was never in any real danger of crashing, but I think the cautiousness with making sure I didn't run into any trouble may have slowed me down a bit.
I opted to use a Lazer Tardiz with the visor for simplicity's sake. The helmet is more comfortable than my Giro Air Advantage and, with the visor, easier to adjust on the fly.
My position needs work. And a lot of it. I'm lower than I was on my previous bike, and I still generate pretty decent power - but I'm obviously leaving a lot on the table with my aerodynamics. With that said, I was able to stay in aero for pretty much the whole race (some uphill sections excluded due to how slow I was going).
My bike nutrition was drastically overthought. Carrying 3 bottles was overkill as I didn't touch the back two bottles (I finished the one between the aerobars and that's it). I had a powerbar gummy gel every 45 minutes or so, and had 1/2 a cliff bar and some gummy bears (the candy kind) in case I got hungry. That was it in terms of nutrition.
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My position is a little too upright for my tastes and I need to get it dialed in. |
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With that said, Bend is beautiful and the bike course looked like something out of Lord of the Rings. |
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I passed most of the people who were in front of me. I was only passed by 2 people on the bike the entire day, and one came out of T1 right behind me. |
T2 was fairly quick. I wasn't 100% sure where the bike segment was going to end since they hadn't set up T2 when I dropped off the run bag. Because of this, I still had my shoes on (I normally unstrap a few hundred meters out so I can jump off the bike easier). So I had to unclip and run my bike to the rack, put my shoes and helmet into my bag, put on my run shoes, race number (they said you couldn't leave the transition without it), and sunglasses and get running. This is all happened a little slower than I anticipated - I blame my the fact that my toes were completely numb. T2 time was 2:01 and I was off to the run.
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Fumbling around in transition. |
I planned to do the run at a 6:15 to 6:20 pace depending on how I felt off of the bike. Judging from my previous runs on recent triathlons (36:38 10k at an Olympic in July and a 16:04 5k at a sprint in August) - I felt this was realistic. The 12k run distance had me thinking I had a realistic shot at breaking 45 minutes or so.
I came out of the transition cooking it pretty good. My first two miles were at 6:15 pace exactly, which was great. In addition, I was feeling pretty good. Right after the 3 mile mark, there was an aid station at a "T" in the road. My mile 3 was a bit slower (closer to 6:30) but I felt I had enough juice left to still do some damage and get back into my goal range. At the turn, a volunteer directed me to take a left hand turn (she was cheering me on and pointing me to go that way). I made the left and kept running (skipping the aid station goodies). About 3 minutes later (just under a half mile and 3:02 according to my plotted run course from my Garmin) a truck pulls up next to me with a guy in a blue Lifetime T Shirt inside of it. "Dude! She pointed you the wrong way! Turn around! You were supposed to go right! Go! Go!" I had no idea what happened, but I turned around as instructed and started cooking it. I passed a guy behind me (who was also turned into the wrong direction) and really started kicking it to make up for lost time. At this point (since I didn't know what my swim time had been), I thought I was on the cusp of losing out on my belt buckle. As I passed the volunteer aid station, a part of me wanted to scream at the girl (who I wasn't even sure was there - I didn't remember what she looked like) but I didn't. I just smiled and waved as a different lady yelled apologies to me as I ran past.
In addition to that little mishap, the "pancake flat" run had a couple of unexpected hills in it. This slowed me down significantly, moreso than expected. I was almost 8:30 on the mile with the bigger hill (where it went from unpaved sidewalk to dirt) and my confidence sank. I thought for sure I had missed the chance for a belt buckle.
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Hammering it down towards transition. |
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Unknown to me, the finish line was right around the next bend. |
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Never has someone been more disappointed while crossing the finish line. |
After I had some food in me, I went over and checked the time for the race. It read 5:30-something - which was very disappointing - but the announcer asked me what wave I was in on the swim. I told him I was the third wave or so to go - and he assured me that I was well under 5:15 and would have a buckle due to how the waves were spaced out. This gave me a bit of hope and brightened my mood a bit.
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He's like a stuffed animal. So many people came by and were swooned by his baby smile. |
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The finisher's medal and the coveted belt buckle. |
As it turns out, my total time was 5:08:00 - so I made the original cutoff with time to spare and received my belt buckle. I was also 3 minutes out from first place in my age group (which I would have won without getting the wrong turn on the run, but I can't nit pick) - so I was very satisfied with my result.
Turns out that they extended the cutoff from 5:15:00 to 6:00:00 - so I would have made it even if I did just coast in - but I'm happy I pushed myself to make the cutoff to my original time. I truly feel that I've earned the belt buckle. As a nice bonus - the finisher's medal is pretty sweet! Last year's medal didn't look so good from the pictures I saw, but I was stoked with this year's version. Also - the swag you got was outstanding (long sleeve tech t-shirt, a nice Leadman Tri drinking glass, a Headsweats Visor).
As for my bother-in-law, he had a really tough time on the bike. I got lucky as the weather, while cold, was pretty calm for me on the bike ride. From what I understand, the window to get a "good bike" was pretty short and the people that didn't make it around the first 20 mile or so loop out of T1 in time were in for some pretty nasty before passing over Mt Bachelor. My brother-in-law got caught in this. He had not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE flat tires in what has to be the most unlucky bike ride in history. I truly felt for him, but when he crossed the finish line - I had more respect for him than myself or any other competitor. First of all, this was the longest race he's done (by far) and I know he had his doubts as to whether or not he was adequately prepared for it. Secondly, I know that *I* would have mailed it in after going through the tubes in my flat kit (2). He was literally walking his bike in freezing rain and hail waiting on someone to help him (or he would have walked the distance into transition). That's amazing to me and I truly feel he's cut from a special cloth.
So that's Leadman in a nutshell. I would recommend this race to anyone and I'm seriously considering coming back in 2014 to take on the 250 as originally planned.